Neuraxial analgesia is not associated with an increased risk of post-partum relapses in MS - Équipe Forgetting Processes and Cortical Dynamics du CRNL
Article Dans Une Revue Multiple Sclerosis Journal Année : 2019

Neuraxial analgesia is not associated with an increased risk of post-partum relapses in MS

Caroline Lavie (1) , Fabien Rollot (2) , Françoise Durand-Dubief (3) , Romain Marignier (3, 4) , Iuliana Ionescu (3) , Romain Casey (2) , Thibault Moreau (5) , Patricia Tourniaire (6) , Michael Hutchinson (7, 8) , Marie Béatrice D’Hooghe (8, 7) , David-Axel Laplaud (9) , Pierre Clavelou (10, 11) , Jérôme de Sèze (12, 13) , Marc Debouverie (14, 15) , David Brassat (16, 17) , Jean Pelletier (18, 19) , Christine Lebrun-Frenay (20, 21) , Emmanuelle Le Page (22) , Giovanni Castelnovo (23) , Eric Berger (24) , Patrick Hautecoeur (25) , Olivier Heinzlef (26) , Luca Durelli (27) , Marinella Clerico (27) , Maria Trojano (27) , Francesco Patti (28) , Sandra Vukusic (29, 2, 4) , A. Alpérovitch , H. Carton , O. Hommes , P. Adeleine (30) , A. Biron , J. Grimaud , M. Hours , D. Latombe , M. Clanet (31) , G. Lau , L. Rumbach , J. Goas , F. Rouhart , A. Mazingue , E. Roullet , M. Madigand , P. Brunet , C. Allaire , G. Riffault , J. Leche , T. Benoit , C. Simonin , F. Ziegler , J. Baron , Y. Rivrain , R. Dumas , D. Loche , J. Bourrin , B. Huttin , B. Delisse , I. Gibert , C. Boulay (32) , M. Verceletto , Geoffroy Durand , G. Bonneviot , R. Gil , A. Hedreville , C. Belair , J. Poitevin , J. Devoize , P. Wyremblewski , F. Delestre , A. Setiey , G. Comi (18) , M. Filippi (18) , A. Ghezzi , V. Martinelli , P. Rossi , M. Tola , M. Amato , C. Fioretti , G. Meucci , M. Inglese , G. Mancardi , D. Gambi , A. Thomas (33) , M. Cavazzuti , A. Citterio (34) , A. Heltberg , H. Hansen , O. Fernandez , F. Romero , T. Arbizu , J. Hernández (35) , C. de Andres de Frutos , D. Geffner Sclarky , Y. Aladro Benito , P. Reyes Yanes , M Aguilar , A. Burguera , R. Yaya , W. Bonakim Dib , D. Arzua-Mouronte , M.B. D’hooghe , M. Sindic , R. Medaer , H. Roose , M. Geens , D. Guillaume , M. van Zandycke , J. Janssens , M. Cornette , L. Mol , F. Weilbach , P. Flachenecker , J. Haas , I. Tendolkar , E. Sindrn , H. Kölmel , D. Reichel , M. Rauch , S. Preuss (36) , S. Poser , E. Mauch , S. Strausser-Fuchs , H. Kolleger , S. Hawkins , J. Howell , J. Rees , A. Thompson , M. Johnson , M. Boggild , P. Gregory (37) , D. Bates , I. Bone , C. Polman (18) , S. Frequin , P. Jongen , J. Correia de Sa , M. Rio (38) , S. Huber , J. Lechner-Scott , Ludwig Kappos (18) , E. Baulieu , M. El-Etr (39) , M. Schumacher (39) , C. Confavreux (40) , C. Cornu (41) , H. Hartung , H. Miller , M. Pugeat , C. D’archangues , J. Conard , J. Ménard , R. Sitruk-Ware , C. Pélissier , S. Dat , J. Belaïsch-Allard , N. Athéa , D. Büschsenschutz , O. Lyon-Caen , R. Gonsette , P. Boissel , P. Ffrench , F. Cotton (42) , C. Pachai (40) , L. Bracoud , S. Vukusic (43) , G. Androdias , G. Chauplannaz , A. Laplaud , S. Wiertlewski (9) , C. Lanctin-Garcia , G. Couvreur , G. Madinier , F. Taithe (44) , D. Aufauvre , N. Guy , A. Ferrier (45) , N. Collongues (46) , F. Viala (47) , A. Gerdelat-Mas , P. Henry , A. Rico-Lamy , E. Lepage (18) , V. Deburghraeve , Gilles Edan (48) , M. Blondiau , M. Coustans (49) , C. Clerc , L. Rieu , M. Lau , G. Hinzelin , J. Ouallet , D. Minier , P. Vion , N. Gromaire-Fayolle , N. Derache , Eric Thouvenot (23) , M. Sallansonnet-Froment , L. Toureille , F. Borgel , Bruno Stankoff (50) , C. Moroianu , A. Guennoc , C. Tournier-Gervason , S. Peysson , E. D’amico , L. Motti , M. Zaffaroni , A. Tavella
1 Hôpital neurologique et neurochirurgical Pierre Wertheimer [CHU - HCL]
2 OFSEP - Observatoire Français de la Sclérose En Plaques [Lyon]
3 Service de neurologie fonctionnelle et d'épileptologie [Hôpital Pierre Wertheimer-HCL]
4 CRNL - Centre de recherche en neurosciences de Lyon - Lyon Neuroscience Research Center
5 Service de Neurologie générale, vasculaire et dégénérative (CHU de Dijon)
6 Centre Hospitalier Henri Duffaut (Avignon)
7 National MS Center Melsbroek
8 VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel [Bruxelles]
9 U1064 Inserm - CRTI - Centre de Recherche en Transplantation et Immunologie
10 Service Neurologie [CHU Clermont-Ferrand]
11 Neuro-Dol - Neuro-Dol
12 LNV - Laboratoire de Neuroimagerie in Vivo
13 HUS - Les Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
14 Service de neurologie [CHRU Nancy]
15 APEMAC - Maladies chroniques, santé perçue, et processus d'adaptation
16 Neurologie vasculaire, pathologie neuro-dégénérative et explorations fonctionnelles du système nerveux [Toulouse]
17 CPTP - Centre de Physiopathologie Toulouse Purpan
18 CRMBM - Centre de résonance magnétique biologique et médicale
19 TIMONE - Hôpital de la Timone [CHU - APHM]
20 CHU Nice - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice
21 UniCA - Université Côte d'Azur
22 CIC - Centre d'Investigation Clinique [Rennes]
23 CHU Nîmes - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nîmes
24 Service de Neurologie [CHRU Besançon]
25 GHICL - Groupe Hospitalier de l'Institut Catholique de Lille
26 Centre hospitalier intercommunal de Poissy/Saint-Germain-en-Laye - CHIPS [Poissy]
27 UNITO - Università degli studi di Torino = University of Turin
28 Unict - Università degli studi di Catania = University of Catania
29 HCL - Hospices Civils de Lyon
30 Biostatistiques santé [LBBE]
31 CHU Toulouse - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse
32 PMTE - Protéines membranaires transductrices d'énergie
33 CERMAV - Centre de Recherches sur les Macromolécules Végétales
34 EVS - Environnement, Ville, Société
35 Solvay (France)
36 Institute of Evolutionary Biology
37 Université de Lille, Sciences et Technologies
38 Service de Génétique Médicale [CHU Necker]
39 Différenciation, interaction, activation et migration des sous-populations lymphocitaires humaines
40 CREATIS - Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image pour la Santé
41 MIP - Motricité, interactions, performance EA 4334 / Movement - Interactions - Performance
42 RMN et optique : De la mesure au biomarqueur
43 Department of Neurology
44 CHU Clermont-Ferrand
45 IRCP - Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris
46 Hôpital de Hautepierre [Strasbourg]
47 LRSI - Laboratoire de Réactivité des Surfaces et des Interfaces
48 Empenn - Neuroimagerie: méthodes et applications
49 Service de Neurologie [Rennes] = Neurology [Rennes]
50 Biologie des Interactions Neurones / Glie
A. Alpérovitch
  • Fonction : Auteur
H. Carton
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  • PersonId : 848316
O. Hommes
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A. Biron
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J. Grimaud
  • Fonction : Auteur
M. Hours
  • Fonction : Auteur
D. Latombe
  • Fonction : Auteur
G. Lau
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L. Rumbach
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J. Goas
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F. Rouhart
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A. Mazingue
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E. Roullet
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M. Madigand
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P. Brunet
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C. Allaire
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G. Riffault
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J. Leche
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T. Benoit
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C. Simonin
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F. Ziegler
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J. Baron
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Y. Rivrain
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R. Dumas
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D. Loche
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J. Bourrin
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B. Huttin
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B. Delisse
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I. Gibert
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M. Verceletto
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Geoffroy Durand
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G. Bonneviot
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R. Gil
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A. Hedreville
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C. Belair
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J. Poitevin
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J. Devoize
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P. Wyremblewski
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F. Delestre
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A. Setiey
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A. Ghezzi
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V. Martinelli
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M. Tola
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M. Amato
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C. Fioretti
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G. Meucci
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M. Inglese
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G. Mancardi
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D. Gambi
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M. Cavazzuti
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Y. Aladro Benito
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P. Reyes Yanes
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M Aguilar
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R. Yaya
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J. Rees
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I. Bone
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G. Androdias
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C. Lanctin-Garcia
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G. Madinier
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F. Taithe
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D. Aufauvre
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N. Guy
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A. Ferrier
N. Collongues
A. Gerdelat-Mas
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A. Rico-Lamy
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V. Deburghraeve
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C. Clerc
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M. Lau
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G. Hinzelin
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J. Ouallet
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D. Minier
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P. Vion
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N. Gromaire-Fayolle
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N. Derache
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Eric Thouvenot
M. Sallansonnet-Froment
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L. Toureille
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F. Borgel
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Bruno Stankoff
C. Moroianu
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A. Guennoc
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C. Tournier-Gervason
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S. Peysson
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E. D’amico
  • Fonction : Auteur
L. Motti
  • Fonction : Auteur
M. Zaffaroni
  • Fonction : Auteur
A. Tavella
  • Fonction : Auteur


Background: Obstetrical analgesia remains a matter of controversy because of the fear of neurotoxicity of local anesthetics on demyelinated fibers or their potential relationship with subsequent relapses.Objective: To assess the impact of neuraxial analgesia on the risk of relapse during the first 3 months post-partum, with a focus on women who experienced relapses during pregnancy.Methods: We analyzed data of women followed-up prospectively during their pregnancies and at least 3 months post-partum, collected in the Pregnancy in Multiple Sclerosis (PRIMS) and Prevention of Post-Partum Relapses with Progestin and Estradiol in Multiple Sclerosis (POPARTMUS) studies between 1992-1995 and 2005-2012, respectively. The association of neuraxial analgesia with the occurrence of a post-partum relapse was estimated by logistic regression analysis.Results: A total of 389 women were included, 215 from PRIMS and 174 from POPARTMUS. In total, 156 women (40%) had neuraxial analgesia. Overall, 24% experienced a relapse during pregnancy and 25% in the 3 months post-partum. Women with a pregnancy relapse were more likely to have a post-partum relapse (odds ratio (OR) = 1.83, p = 0.02), independently of the use of neuraxial analgesia. There was no association between neuraxial analgesia and post-partum relapse (OR = 1.08, p = 0.78).Conclusion: Neuraxial analgesia was not associated with an increased risk of post-partum relapses, whatever multiple sclerosis (MS) activity during pregnancy.
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hal-02158735 , version 1 (24-05-2024)




Caroline Lavie, Fabien Rollot, Françoise Durand-Dubief, Romain Marignier, Iuliana Ionescu, et al.. Neuraxial analgesia is not associated with an increased risk of post-partum relapses in MS. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2019, 25 (4), pp.591-600. ⟨10.1177/1352458518763080⟩. ⟨hal-02158735⟩
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